Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Much Is Red Rock Cosmic Bowling


Across Europe, the excesses of luxury caused numerous sumptuary ordinances designed to curb the abuse or fantasy. In Italy, where they had been enacted first in Florence, has increased in all major cities (Bologna, Milan and Venice), and banned both the elongated tip shoes, such as queues or low necklines. Sometimes limited the number of suits of velvet and silk, and controlled items were to be provided with a seal. In Rome, in 1464, Pope Paul II public laws of dress for the cardinals. In France, similar regulations were promulgated in 1350, 1387, 1400 and 1485. In Spain appeared a series of laws aimed mostly silks abuse in the suit, the first dated in 1234, reserved in 1348 for the children of King Alfonso XI of Castile, silk garments were allowed to horse owners in 1395; in 1490, Queen Elizabeth forbade carry all kinds of cloth of gold and silk.
The trendy outfit had curious effects on the professions involved in the clothing. In France, was the source of conflict between the corporation of the garment, specialized garnements suit, and the guild of which prepares the doublets, when the first gave themselves the right to develop such a garment. [...]
Of the many rules to remember, above all, they were directed more towards the abuse of luxurious fabrics, as against the exaggerations of the forms. There is a dependency between the multiple fantasies of the outfit, and the enhanced production of expensive fabrics in the XIV and XV.

History of Costume in the West. François Boucher.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cargo Trailer Body Panels

for FaeMagazine Photos! My grandfather Ignacio

Well, I have great news, have published a fully exclusive photos (Never been shown), made by Sebastian Pagarolas

, and as models riscilla Hernandez P and Lady Morte. Costumes by The Royal Sewing.
The photos can be seen only in the magazine Fae Magazine, a British-run magazine, but that can be purchased at stores such as Barnes & Noble, gohasting.com, borders, Bam!, Chapters or Indigo. Also through his website: http://www.faemagazine.com
is the number 12, for the Fall. The price of the magazine is 4 pounds, and is a real delight, you will find helpful muchsimas images and information about events Faerie, shops, illustrators, artisans .... and besides, our photos! http://www.faemagazine.com/shop/fae-issue-12-autumn-2010/

Here you have a promotional shows transferred by Karen Kay: