This long history that is unlikely to be read by anyone unless it was written in early summer. Much has happened since then in the streets of Idiliópolis but even so, I tell what happened to me that night when I still had hope
There is a small narrow alley in the old quarter of this city names to the letter in which I like getting lost in the early hours of sleepless summer nights . It looks like a winding path bordered by old houses and anachronistic concrete benches where the people of the city looking for inspiration for their professional and personal writings. The Alley of the Statement, as well the name of this narrow road which gives cool shade in summer and encourages the winds blow south in winter for its successful location is usually crowded during the day by all kinds of people.
People come to this place their notebooks and sheets of paper with their laptops or younger professionals, and sit in any of the numerous large banks buttocks up to eight each. Nobody knows what has that lane, or how small miracle occurs, but most are content to know what happens, no wonder why: A few seconds of sitting in any of its banks, the ideas are arranged in the mind and can be reflected without problems on paper. Hundreds of writers uninspired or stuck in an impasse of their works, ideas rioting chroniclers, journalists who do not remember the order of the seven questions that a story should be respected in its wording from love they want to release torrents of love all the poison they carry in the womb, lawyers who prepare their closing arguments in the present case of his life, poets are not proper rhyme with which to end his sonnets, phone users mobile and internet connections who want to write a complaint to the Municipal Office of Consumer Information, orchestral composers who yearn to finish the last movement of an unfinished work of one of the greats, even mathematicians who wish to solve an algebraic problem apparently undecidable. All they seek there the notes, operations and words that give meaning to what they want and they all tend to find a satisfactory way to resolve their blocks with the stylus or keyboard.
Even if you have any of these people still have problems because of their few traces with the words, there is a group of beggars scholars who offer their help and support in exchange for a few coins. Homeless wise and learned, many teachers leave the profession because they believed in the present education system, walking up and down narrow street kid with hearing the word or expression that is resistant to flow from the mind.
The Alley of Pliego has a completely different at night. It is overwhelming to walk down that path of inspired words completely empty of life when you know that during the day is crowded with people eager to write their statements of love or complaints, their theorems or adages. The clubs empty benches on either side of the winding path that describes, well-kept old houses, black iron railings of balconies and steep roofs as if they were required to evacuate a winter snow that has never occurred in the city. Everything has a different feel to the orange light from the streetlights.
I decide to sit on a bench and close my eyes to breathe better in the morning breeze. Even without opening them, I know there is someone nearby. Someone who has come by the loud silence of one who wants to approach without being heard. "Good evening", I say, and hoarse voice and throaty with a slight whiff of cheap wine he answers: "Good night, kid. Is not it a bit late for inspiration? Or is it too early? ". I smile and open my eyes. Your face sounds familiar. It is one of many directors of words that fill these tiles. "Do not look for inspiration, look for the dream I am." "Well, this is not the right place, boy," replied the old man I is not so, "Here the words come like a flash and prevent the mind to rest. I just spend my nights here when I recoder with lucidity. When I make up words I never said and would have changed my fate. Are you here for So tonight, boy? "" Casanova. Casanueva call me. I guess so, man ... "Lenin. I am Lenin as the Communist. "Lenin, I repeat," Yes, Lenin, I think he's right. Maybe you came here looking for answers that ignore the ceiling of my bedroom. "" Let me out ... This is a woman, right? "" Yes, but they did not impress me, Lenin, it is easy to deduce. I doubt there are many people who come here at dawn to write a complaint form to the municipal transport company. " Lenin laughs heartily, slightly rarefied air with their lush breath. "You have a good gab, Casanueva. And rightly so. But I know why you are here: You want her to be by your side, right? "I looked in mute astonishment and left to continue:" Yes. In fact you are not the only one who walks at dawn by this alley. All we sit here at this hour long for the same. No one comes to The List because I have doubts about letting a person. Just who longs for the company is, not who repudiates. "How do you know both people, Lenin?" The man looks at me with a naughty smile punctuated by nostalgia. Sighs deeply before replying, "I was once like you, you know? Young, with all the teeth in the mouth and a future horizon. Until I met a woman, Casanueva, a woman who I fell in love. We went out for a while. The happiest time of my life. But one day the wind stopped blowing favorably, and she decided to leave my side. The love in him began to poison me. Been here almost every day and every day he wrote a statement of love for her that evening crept under the door. So for over a year until, little by little, I lost her for. Not eating, not working, could do nothing but come here and evoke its image in words that I dictated these houses, these tiles and lamps. There came a day left to send the statements and went on to keep it to the pockets. Over time, I saw that there were people who also did something similar to what I decided to advise me and helping to choose the right words. Many achieved or regained their love. Others, like myself, worse luck ran. When I have no desire to sleep, I come here and reread some of the statements that he never came to hand, thinking that maybe that would have been the letter that would change my destiny. "
Miro Lenin with penalty . Despite the clarity of words the alley gives passers-by, I can only put my hand on his forearm. The man appreciates the gesture by placing his hand on mine. "Mine is a bad example, Casanueva. It need not happen to you. But I want you to think one thing, boy. If anything has taught me this winding lane is that no matter the money you have or cars or property that is owned. At the end of all life, good or bad, are formed only by memories. Your memories and the present moment, you are living now. That's it. My life has not been the best, but I keep with me the best memories that have known me. You are still young and naive and still have a lot of memories to create. If you want, if you think the woman in your life, do it. Do not try this or try to do not desire. Just do it. Go for it. And if you ever have doubts, if you are assaulted in the middle of the night, if you find yourself driving the idea that maybe it is not the woman you're looking for, then do not waste more of your time and move on. Not saying it's easy to forget from one day to another, but to fight for someone you have to be absolutely secure. Did you you are, Casanueva?. " I look in the eye and answer: "I told him in these weeks I've been away from her I learned that I do not need to be happy. That could be someone else. But I wanted to be with it, I know we can. It is ... like this street, Lenin: people do not know how it works but known to work, you come here and get you inspired. With it, strikes me the same thing I can not explain why it should work, but I know I'll be fine. "Lenin taps me of complicity in the back and says goodbye to his feet saying," Boy, I do not think you need to write anything that girl. I think you told him you had to say, and with good words, let me add. The only thing I can say is that I now have to wait and that, therefore, your insomnia is more than justified but it is useless. Casanueva, that has to be will be. Just want you to be happy and that the words of your specifications are met. It was a pleasure chatting with you. Good night. "
Lenin leaves staggered down the street and humming an old song of sailors. I pull out my notebook and start writing inseparable this summer night meeting.